Edlavitch DCJCC: Upcoming Inclusion Events00On April 23, 2021April 23, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is excited to share the following events with you from The Edlavitch Jewish Community Center of Washington, D.C (DCJCC)!. Spring...
MySchoolIDC: Los resultados de la lotería están disponibles. ¡Inscríbase antes del 3 de mayo!00On April 23, 2021April 23, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News ¡AJE se complace en compartir esta noticia de MySchoolIDC sobre los resultados de la lotería!” ¿Fue su hijo(a) asignado(a) a...
Health Services for Children with Special Needs: Upcoming Events – including TODAY and TOMORROW00On April 23, 2021April 23, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is happy to share these upcoming events from the Health Services for Children with Special Needs, Inc. Health Services...
Smithsonian Update and New Activity!00On April 23, 2021April 23, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is happy to share this update about the Smithsonian with our families – and we hope you find it...
Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution Update00On April 23, 2021April 23, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Donations, Events, News, Uncategorized All DC Residents 16 and older are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Washington, DC. Pre-Register Where You Live...
Juvenile Justice Webinar Series: Session Three on April 29th !00On April 22, 2021April 9, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is happy to share this event from The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council! Session Three of the Juvenile Justice Webinar...
NEXT MONDAY! Lunch and Learn: BRITNEY SPEARS, JENNY HATCH & YOUR CLIENT’S HUMAN RIGHT TO A SELF-DETERMINED LIFE00On April 20, 2021April 1, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE along with our partners at Quality Trust and Disability Rights DC is excited to present the Lunch and Learn...
Homeschooling Informational Guides for Schools and Families00On April 19, 2021February 1, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Donations, News In August of 2020 OSSE released two new informational guides on homeschooling in the District of Columbia. Homeschool Information for District...
Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network April #LiberatingWebinars!00On April 15, 2021April 9, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is excited to share the Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN) free April programming in their #LiberatingWebinars! Disability...
MySchoolDC: Lottery results are available – Enroll by May 3! OSSE hosting a Virtual College Completion Fair for Adults!00On April 14, 2021April 14, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is excited to share this update from MySchoolDC about the Lottery results! Matched in the Lottery? Enroll by May...