New Tool for COVID Booster00On September 14, 2021September 14, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is happy to share this new widget from the Center for Dignity in Healthy for People with Disabilities! Center...
DDS Community & Provider Forum – Friday, September 17, 202100On September 14, 2021September 14, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is happy to share this information from DC DDS with the community. DDS invites those that we serve, self-advocates,...
Family Voices: Fathers’ Organization Project00On September 14, 2021September 14, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is pleased to share this opportunity for fathers to be apart of this project from Family Voices! They are...
Comp Ed Questions? A Training and Conversation with DC Families Next Week!00On September 10, 2021September 10, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Donations, Events, News Come talk with us about compensatory education, COVID-recovery planning, and how families can prepare for conversations with schools about recovery...
DC Act Early Covid-19 Response Team Project – Parent Cafes00On September 9, 2021September 9, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is excited to share these two parent cafes with our community! As part of the DC Act Early COVID-19...
REMINDER: Mayor Muriel Bowser’s National Maternal and Infant Health Summit!00On September 9, 2021September 9, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News, Uncategorized AJE hopes to see you at the Mayor Muriel Bowser’s fourth National Maternal & Infant Health Summit! Join Mayor Muriel Bowser...
ICYMI – New Guidance Reaffirms Importance of Full Implementation of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic00On September 9, 2021September 8, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is pleased to share this announcement from the US Department of Education about the importance of ensuring the full...
DC’s Special Education Regulations are being updated! Provide your feedback on OSSE’s proposed changes to Chapter 30 of the DCMR by October 4th00On September 9, 2021September 8, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Donations, News, Uncategorized OSSE is updating the regulations that govern Special Education in the District of Columbia. You can find a copy of...
Upcoming Parent Cafes!00On September 8, 2021September 8, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is happy to share these upcoming Parent Cafe dates with our families! Parent Cafes are an excellent place for...
End of the Pandemic Unemployment Benefits – What Rights Do I Have?00On September 7, 2021September 7, 2021By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is happy to share this resource that Legal Aid of DC put together that describes the end of the...