February 10 @ 4:00 pm Child Abuse Prevention Trainings with Safe Shores (SPANISH) Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvduCurz4uG9MTZvFNC_OMLyUAdNlyxvPh#/registration
February 10 @ 7:00 pm Child Abuse Prevention Trainings with Safe Shores (ENGLISH) Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEuc-yqpj0uGtHPAnd6BQ1TUSVJqu3Owxq8#/registration
February 26 @ 7:00 pm The Special Education Process – Hosted by AJE Registration Link: https://www.tfaforms.com/4975591?tfa_109=701R700000Lvpcn
March 17 @ 12:00 pm Effective Communication Strategies for Parents and Caregivers – Hosted by AJE Registration Link: https://www.tfaforms.com/4975591?tfa_109=701R700000LvuuE
March 20 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm AG BELL PARENT CHATS – Building Your Best IEP Educator Alex Mestres returns to talk about the components of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and the importance and value of this document in helping to make sure your child...