TA Professional Drop-In Hour – 12pm Today!
TA Professional Drop -In Office Hours (2)
TA Professional Drop -In Office Hours (2)
You can sign-up to learn more here - http://bit.ly/PA-Info-Session or you can contact Yolanda Corbett at 202-678-8060 ext. 317 or at Yolanda.Corbett@aje-dc.org.
You can sign-up to learn more here - http://bit.ly/PA-Info-Session or you can contact Yolanda Corbett at 202-678-8060 ext. 317 or at Yolanda.Corbett@aje-dc.org.
¡VEN PARTICIPA JUNTO A OTRAS FAMILAS LATINAS EN DC! El propósito es proveer información en español a las Familias Latinas, así puedan ayudar a su ser querido con necesidad especial o con algún diagnóstico con discapacidad intelectual y en el desarrollo, tengan acceso a servicios y apoyos en el Distrito de Columbia. ¡Vamos DC! es...
You can sign-up to learn more here - http://bit.ly/PA-Info-Session or you can contact Yolanda Corbett at 202-678-8060 ext. 317 or at Yolanda.Corbett@aje-dc.org.
Restorative Practices (including Restorative Justice) can be remarkably powerful and effective tools for strengthening and creating authentic relationships in schools. However, they are also widely misunderstood, and all too often poorly implemented. AJE wants parents to know what Restorative Justice circles look like when done well, understand how professionals might use Restorative Practices to strengthen relationships...
Restorative Practices (including Restorative Justice) can be remarkably powerful and effective tools for strengthening and creating authentic relationships in schools. However, they are also widely misunderstood, and all too often poorly implemented. AJE wants parents to know what Restorative Justice circles look like when done well, understand how professionals might use Restorative Practices to strengthen relationships...
Register here - https://www.tfaforms.com/4975591?tfa_109=7015f000000mLxK Explorings Alternative to public school
Restorative Practices (including Restorative Justice) can be remarkably powerful and effective tools for strengthening and creating authentic relationships in schools. However, they are also widely misunderstood, and all too often poorly implemented. AJE wants parents to know what Restorative Justice circles look like when done well, understand how professionals might use Restorative Practices to strengthen relationships...
Clic aquí para registrarse! https://www.tfaforms.com/4975591?tfa_109=7015f000000duIF Spanish parent support group
register here - https://www.tfaforms.com/4975591?tfa_109=7015f000000mLvi Pro Bono Training - Representing DC Students in Disciplinary Matters
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElde6urjksGtDjeuK09LP4FxTFyw2QG6SJ#/registration 3 discipline events - Parent Cafe, Pro Bono Training - Representing DC Students in Disciplinary MAtter s (13)
Restorative Practices (including Restorative Justice) can be remarkably powerful and effective tools for strengthening and creating authentic relationships in schools. However, they are also widely misunderstood, and all too often poorly implemented. AJE wants parents to know what Restorative Justice circles look like when done well, understand how professionals might use Restorative Practices to strengthen...
https://www.tfaforms.com/4975591?tfa_109= parent support group
MSDC - 23 Key Dates Flyer 1.0 ENG
MSDC - 23 Key Dates Flyer 1.0 ENG