Dignity in Schools Campaign: National Week of ActionOn September 29, 2011September 29, 2011By AJE-DC Advocates for Justice and Education, Inc. presents: Discipline in Charter Schools: A Community Discussion Tuesday, October 4, 2011 (5:30-7:00pm) 4201...
District of Columbia HRIC Health Insurance Exchange SurveyOn August 23, 2011August 23, 2011By AJE-DC Greetings Parents and Family Navigators, The District of Columbia Health Insurance Exchange (HIX) will become the central marketplace for health...
Report blasts D.C. transportation service for special-education studentsOn August 16, 2011August 16, 2011By AJE-DC The District’s transportation service for 3,500 special education students is in disarray, plagued by managerial incompetence that has left some...
Upheaval in family engagementOn July 25, 2011July 25, 2011By AJE-DC While the dismissal of more than 200 than teachers claimed much of the attention last week, there was a bloodletting...
Hopes and Dreams Survey – 10 minutesOn June 7, 2011June 7, 2011By AJE-DC Thank you for sharing your hopes and dreams for our children and our schools. These hopes and dreams will help...
Parent Power: One Supermom’s storyOn May 9, 2011May 9, 2011By AJE-DC It was as if Jacqueline Edelberg was planning to send her four-year-old to Iraq. But no, the Chicago mother simply...
Henderson named D.C. schools chiefOn March 10, 2011March 10, 2011By AJE-DC By Bill Turque D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray, making a widely anticipated decision official, lifted the “interim” from Kaya Henderson’s...
AJE’s submitted Comments to OSSE’s Proposed Standard for Student Code of ConductOn February 10, 2011February 10, 2011By AJE-DC
Education Reform in the District of ColumbiaOn February 7, 2011February 7, 2011By AJE-DC The District of Columbia has an exciting, dynamic education reform agenda underway. There are little over 200 schools to serve...
Study finds funding gap between D.C. specialty and neighborhood schoolsOn February 7, 2011February 7, 2011By AJE-DC http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/06/AR2011020603122.html
State of the Schools in Ward 7On January 28, 2011January 28, 2011By AJE-DC Parents, come out to the first ever State of the Schools! At the State of the Schools in Ward 7...
Federal Guidance on RTI: RTU cannot be used to delay or deny evaluationsOn January 28, 2011January 28, 2011By AJE-DC Federal Guidance on RTI: RTU cannot be used to delay or deny evaluations
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