Applications for Parent Leadership Academy closing TODAY Monday 7/20 at 5pm00On July 20, 2020July 20, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, News AJE is excited by the response to our first all-online Parent Leadership Academy! We are closing applications TODAY, Monday, July...
TOMORROW – ReOpen DC: Childcare Part II00On July 20, 2020July 18, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, Events, News AJE is happy to share this information from our friends at SPACEs in Action. SPACEs In Action Early Learning Committee...
Petition – D.C. STUDENTS NEED LAPTOPS! Please help us get students the tools they need00On July 17, 2020July 17, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, Events, News AJE is happy to pass on this petition from our friends and colleagues at the UDC’s David A. Clarke School...
Second Virtual Youth COVID-19 Town Hall00On July 17, 2020July 17, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, Events, News AJE is happy to share this information from many of our friends. Please join us on July 23, 2020 from...
Parent Leadership Academy – applications closing soon!00On July 16, 2020July 16, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, Events, News AJE is providing a free virtual 8-week leadership development and advocacy skills training focused on Special Education, School Discipline, and...
ACCESS SMITHSONIAN’s Favorite Activities00On July 13, 2020July 13, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, Events, News AJE is happy to share this resource with our families – and we hope you find it helpful! Ashley &...
Free Psychological First Aid Training!00On July 13, 2020June 10, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, News, Uncategorized The uncertainty associated with a global health crisis like COVID-19 challenges everyone’s ability to cope. This free, online course will...
EduSaveDC, a Higher Education Savings Program that Contributes $5 for Every $1 You Save00On July 10, 2020February 7, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News Imagine the Difference Your Child Could Make by Signing up for EduSaveDC, a Higher Education Savings Program that Contributes $5...
Coronavirus testing in DC00On July 9, 2020June 19, 2020By AJE-DCIn Blog, Events, News DC is now offering free walk-up Coronavirus/COVID-19 testing at 8 firehouses. For more information about testing for Coronavirus, including additional...