Restorative Justice – Conversation & Training with RestorativeDC

Restorative Practices (including Restorative Justice) can be remarkably powerful and effective tools for strengthening and creating authentic relationships in schools.  However, they are also widely misunderstood, and all too often poorly implemented.  AJE wants parents to know what Restorative Justice circles look like when done well, understand how professionals might use Restorative Practices to strengthen relationships in the school, and to know what to expect as their schools try to move toward a more Restorative approach to their work.  There is a lot to learn about Restorative Justice – it is a lot more than “talking about your feelings”!

That’s why we’re very excited to host the local expert practitioners from Restorative DC for an evening of conversation and learning.  If have questions about Restorative Justice, or you want to learn more about Restorative Justice and do a deep dive into the theory, practices and common challenges of implementing restorative practices, you are welcome to join AJE online for a special open session of our Parent Ambassor training on October 26th, from 7pm to 9pm where we will be talking with and learning from the team at Restorative DC about the potential of Restorative Justice to help us create more equitable and safer schools.





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