AJE would like to share that the second year of Tzedek DC’s Young Adult Financial Empowerment Program will be starting in March! This program is a free 8-week program that provides eight financial education workshops aimed at the specific needs of young adults like spending plans, understanding your paycheck, building credit, and investing. This program also offers individualized financial counseling sessions from experts to help program participants set tailored financial plans and achievable goals.
Program participants will be eligible to receive $100 in grant funding to start their investment journeys utilizing the Stackwell app. Additionally, a free meal is provided at each of the in-person workshops. Program participants must be at least 18 years old, and either a DC resident or a UDC student residing in DC, Maryland, or Virginia.
Register here for the in-person session on Tuesday, March 18th from 4pm-6pm at Deanwood Library
Register here for the virtual session on Thursday, March 20th from 4-00pm-6:00pm on Zoom
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