Community Service Hours Opportunity for HS Students: Virtual Student Leadership Summit

The opportunity for advocacy extends beyond the Performance Oversight and Budget Season. The Office of the Student Advocate   invites your students to join them on  April 14th from noon-2pm for the DC Student Leaders Summit

This virtual summit will consist of 4 student led workshops and a panel discussion with current student leaders and adult partners. Students will engage in conversations about being effective leaders and change agents as students in their school, community, and beyond. We hope these conversations will inspire current student leaders to increase their own decision making skills and use their voice to advocate in their own community!

Over the course of the summit, students will have the opportunity to participate in workshops on Organizing & Advocacy, Identity & Self, Burnout Prevention, and Accountability. All participating students will earn 2 community service hours for their time. We are asking that you please share this with your school community and beyond so that we can reach as many youth as possible. If you have any questions please feel free to reach me at

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