AJE hopes these resources from our partners are helpful to you!
Planning a trip? Check out the COVID-19 Travel Planner to find information about different cities, states, and national parks across the United States you may be passing through or visiting.
It’s no secret that kids are having a hard time during the pandemic. CDC developed a parental resource kit filled with information, fun and safe activities, activity books for young children in English and Spanish, and tips on how to talk about COVID-19 and its indirect effects in an age-appropriate way.
Do you know people who are deaf or hard of hearing? Point them to our videos about COVID-19 in American Sign Language.

Easy to Read COVID-19 Materials are available for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as others who prefer simplified information.
Pregnant and recently pregnant people are more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19 than non-pregnant people. Get them and their families the information they need to stay healthy and keep everyone around them healthy, including their newborns.
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