AJE is happy to share these June updates from OSEP with our community!
Summer Learning and Enrichment Collaborative: Save the Dates!
The Department, with support of the Comprehensive Center Network, launched the Summer Learning and Enrichment Collaborative, a partnership between ED, the National Governors Association, and the Council of Chief State School Officers. The purpose of the upcoming meetings is to support state and local teams, their community partners, and other education stakeholders as they plan and implement learning and enrichment activities during the summer and beyond. Each session will have a short opening plenary along with concurrent discussions offering practical tools, strategies, and opportunities for peer-sharing in the following areas: building school-community partnerships, effective use of fiscal resources, attracting/supporting staff for summer programs, evidence-based learning, and enrichment strategies, addressing a full range of student needs, and tailoring supports to specific populations.
Please save the dates for the following upcoming meetings held on
Thursdays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (EDT):
June 10th, June 24th, July 8th, July 22nd, and August 12th.
State Performance Plans / Annual Performance Reports
OSEP continues to busily review both the State Systemic Improvement Plan and clarifications to prepare for the Annual Performance Report (APR) Determinations. OSEP will conduct a OSEP Monthly Technical Assistance callon Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 4:00 pm EDT regarding APR Determinations.
Additionally, the GRADS 360o web-link will transition to https://osep.communities.ed.
Upcoming CIID Webinar “What’s a Data Standard?”Join the Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) on June 29, 2021 at 3:00 pm eastern for a webinar entitled “What’s a Data Standard?” Experts will provide a walk-through that will help SEAs understand how to use Common Education Data Standards to standardize the reporting and analytic capabilities of special education data, enhancing both collaboration and comparability. Presenters will specifically address IDEA, Part B data managers’ and special education program staff’s needs and identify fundamental changes that can transform states’ capacity for data use. |
Key Points to Share about ED’s Handbooks for Reopening Schools
The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) developed infographic summaries of the Department’s two handbooks to help schools reopen safely. The infographics give OSEP-funded parent centers, families, educators, and others quick access to the valuable information within those volumes. While there is no substitute for reading the actual volumes in their entirety, these infographics provide a taste of the kind of detailed guidance found in the full publications.
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