Education Coalition Demands that DCPS and OSSE Provide Appropriate Education to Detained Young People With Disabilities

AJE is proud to be part of the coalition demanding that OSSE and DCPS fulfill their obligation to appropriately educate students with disabilities detained at the DC Jail and at the Youth Services Center. (YSC)  For the last six months, students at YSC and DC Jail have not received any specialized instruction or related services on their Individualized Education Plans (“IEPs”). They have had no access- virtual or otherwise- to teaching professionals. They have not received any direct instruction and there has been no communication with teachers.  You can find a copy of the letter and related press release below –

8.20.20 PR re Ltr re Special Education at YSC and IYP

8.20.20 Corrected Letter to DCPS and OSSE re YSC and IYP

You can also find more information at the Washington Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs website.


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