AJE is happy to share this opportunity for engagement with our families.
As part of the Chancellor’s community outreach, Dr. Ferebee is hosting a conversation this Thursday at the LAYC in Columbia Heights. Please feel free to forward to students, families, or staff who may be interested. Below is a general description of the conversations:
After months of connecting with stakeholders across all eight wards through a series of “Ferebee Fridays,” Chancellor Ferebee is looking forward to engaging more deeply on topics he heard mattered most to our families, students, staff and community members. Over the coming months, Chancellor Ferebee will be hosting a series of small-group “DCPS Dialogue” gatherings at schools, libraries, and community centers across the District. The purpose is to host topic-specific conversations and gather feedback going into School Year 2019-2020.
During these engagements, Chancellor Ferebee is excited to listen and learn to DCPS stakeholders to better understand their experiences and how we can improve programs and policies. These discussions will be smaller group discussion formats with attendance capped at 20 to keep the conversation intimate.
To join us please sign up at bit.ly/dcpsdialogue2019. For questions, please contact ofpe.info@dc.gov or 202-719-6613.
Those interested can register using the following link: bit.ly/dcpsdialogue2019
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