The D.C. City Council took the first step in passing the Youth Bullying Prevention Act of 2012 and is on track to finalize the legislation by the end of the month. The bill will cover the city’s public schools system, the Department of Parks and Recreation, the city’s public libraries, and the University of theDistrict of Columbia.
The bill requires the Mayor to appoint a task force that will help develop a comprehensive anti-bullying policy. The task force, which will be made up of teachers, administrator, school mental health professionals, parents/guardians, youth, direct service providers and advocates will create a model policy. The task force will then provide guidance and support to the various entities covered in the bill to ensure that they adopt a an anti-bullying policy that is comprehensive and appropriate. We look forward to the Mayor and the task force beginning this important work. All city facilities that engage with our youth must be safe and respectful places and given the proper tools and training to address bullying behavior.
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